Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Differences in the concept of perfection and happiness in the eyes of Islam

Differences in the concept of perfection and happiness in the eyes of Islam

Each member of the human kind and is seeking to perfect happiness, trying to

For access to all, but understanding is very different:

Some people believe that happiness is restricted to the enjoyment of the desired material and blessings Ballmaiz phenomenon.

Some of them believes this Allmaiz meanness, and that happiness is a departure from the human instinct for prohibiting the good things and drop out of the world.

Each of the panels in the wrong understanding and Sidled of the right and wrong. Because they are not compatible with life in

Consistent with the creation of a succession of human achievement in the ground.

Panel I: What affects the world, and is keen to Maizha, created spoil and weaken the will and disturbed him; and that God does this behavior, as infidels and misguided, and likened the behavior of cattle that are not common sense to understand the meaning of existence and value of life: (And those who disbelieve enjoy and eat as cattle eat, and fire lodging them) Mohammed / 12.

As to the other: it is isolationist group life and the presence of a negative attitude. And the behavior of such a group would be transferred to the command of life according to their own liking bad Viugeoha followed their wishes. In the corruption of religion and the loss of the world. And God brought the letter of this type of people, and says: (O ye who believe! Tahramoa not the good things that Allah has made lawful to you, but do not for Allah loveth not aggressors) Round / 87.

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